#10YearsChallenge: Acer, Apple, ASUS, Dell, HP, Lenovo, MSI

Written By Ryan Sanchez
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It is only the first month of the New Year, but the internet already has its first big meme: the #10YearsChallenge. From family and friends to consumer brands and technology giants, the challenge has gripped and how. Everywhere you look, the inhabitants of the digital world are busy sharing pictures of how they looked ten years ago as opposed to the present day.  The challenge has become ubiquitous—rapidly spreading from just Facebook to Instagram and WhatsApp. In fact, if it weren’t so addictive to see the compelling power of age, the trend might have already started getting on some nerves.

Now, whether it is only a harmless trend to kick start 2019 or—as some naysayers suggest—a conspiracy to extract data for age recognition, there is no denying that time does change one and all.  Thankfully, in the case of many of our favorite laptop brands, the #10YearsChallenge has seemed to be kind, considerate, and uber-stylish. And for some others, well, we see complete and drastic transformations! As the wheels have turned, leading laptop manufacturers have hung on for dear life, adapting to the trials, tribulations, and changes that become imperative over time.

So, fellow geeks, ready to hop on to the time machine and ooh and ah at just how much these past ten years have changed your cherished computers? Prepare to be stunned.

Acer: De-cluttering sparks joy

acer 10yearschallenge

Whew, where did all those controls, ports, and thingies go? Acer could be a Marie Kondo aficionado for all the sheer sleekness it has achieved in ten years—from screen borders to the edges of the chassis, to say nothing of major weight management.

Apple: Dive right into that display

apple 10yearschallenge

If Apple was big on display in 2009, you have to look at it now! The screens are phenomenal—not to forget, minimal on distraction—and accessibility options have become more stylish (read Touch Bars, keyboards with butterfly mechanism) without compromising on functionality.  For Apple, it was visual glory back then; it is visual magnificence now.

ASUS: Gathering power, gaining ground

asus 10yearschallenge

Talk about looking the part! In only a decade, ASUS has successfully donned both the garb and the prowess of a gaming maestro—complete with a powerful, metallic, great-looking body; superior heat dissipation fittings; and impressive overall strength for competitive gaming.

Dell: Un-boxing gorgeousness

dell 10yearschallenge

Wait—did something just get unboxed or had Dell been hiding its gorgeous 2019 avatar under the covers all along? The contemporary Dell is not only thinner with a fabulous display, but it also exudes fitment to versatile needs. No longer is Dell the go-to only for students and entry-level professionals; Dell is now a grand lifestyle choice.

HP: Standing taller and mightier

HP 10yearschallenge

Brushed metal exteriors, sharper edges, thinner profiles, and a compelling screen-to-body ratio—HP sure has made gigantic leaps in these ten years. Today, it stands true to its age-old reputation of being a dependable computer. But alongside, it has also captured the imagination of new audiences who seek style, mobility, and immersive multimedia experiences.

Lenovo: Inspiring weight loss

lenovo 10yearschallenge

Gosh, someone seems to have undergone major thinning down! No longer does bulky equate power for Lenovo. Yes, it continues to rule organizational workspaces, but with half the bulk, twice the glamour. Moreover, it isn’t only the chassis that has become classier; the investment in non-core areas (read thinner bezel, more user-friendly touchpad) is also evident.

MSI: Ruling by reimagining

msi 10yearschallenge
source: msi

Whoa, MSI has certainly traveled a long way from its heavy-weight, unwieldy days of 2009! While it has retained—and rightly so—some of its vintage elements like color schemes and construction blueprints, it has garnered a good deal extra. Think keyboards with RGB lighting, mesmerizing graphics, powerful processors. No wonder MSI has become one of the frontrunners in the gaming arena.

Ten Years, Tenacious Titans

Time isn’t always known to be generous. But at least for our leading laptop brands, the past decade has been promising, ushering in meaningful changes in both form and function. While brands like Apple and ASUS have worked on perfecting their core positioning, others like Dell and HP have expanded their portfolio, breaking new horizons. Portability and flexibility have been the defining guideline for most laptop makers, including Lenovo, MSI and Acer.

Perhaps, it is the willingness to adapt to changing lifestyles that have kept some technological giants afloat and progressing while many others have been swept by the tides of time. Until the next #10YearsChallenge, here’s hoping for a year of scintillating technological innovations.

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Ryan Sanchez

Ryan as a senior writer and editor in chief of laptoproot, spends most of his time searching for new and best laptops. His passion for learning laptops help people find the best laptops.

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